SaaD MaLiK

SaaD MaLiK

Saturday 19 October 2013

Disable Right Click Function in Blogger/Worpress

Disable Right Click Function

Hey Guys! Now a days most of the people stealing contents from others blogs to his blog by copying their content. it's illegal to copying content from others. For example you write a personal post on your blog by great struggle and hard work in some hours or days and someone copy your content from your blog in paste it into his blog then you will definitely make an anger on that person.
Therfore today i brought a great anti copying content technique for you.

For Blogger you have to do this

Step 1. Go to blogger Dashboard > Layout > Add a Gadget > HTML / JavaScript.
Step 2. Copy the following below Codes which you desired and paste it in that blogger widget.
Step 3. Save the HTML /JavaScript and view your blog.

For Word Press you have to do that

Step 1. Go to Wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Widget > Text Widget.
Step 2. Copy the following below Codes which you desired and paste it in that Wordpress widget.
Step 3. Save the HTML /JavaScript and view your blog.

Disable Right Click Funtion With Message

You can change "Right Click Disabled" dialogue with your own choice by search by typing Ctrl + F.

<script language=JavaScript>
//Disable right mouse click Script
var message="Right Click Disabled!";
function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){alert(message);
return false;}}
function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){alert(message);
return false;}}}
if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")
// -->

 Disable Right Click Funtion Without Message

<script language=JavaScript>
//Disable right mouse click Script - No alert
var message="";
function clickIE() {if (document.all) {(message);return false;}}
function clickNS(e) {if
(document.layers||(document.getElementById&&!document.all)) {
if (e.which==2||e.which==3) {(message);return false;}}}
if (document.layers)
document.oncontextmenu=new Function("return false")
// -->


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